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Reality TV Gives Corporate America a Big Wet Kiss »
February 11, 2010 | Mark BrennerWant to know what chutzpah means? Look no further than TV's newest reality show, “Undercover Boss.” Apparently the titans of industry aren't satisfied that they burned our economy to the ground and got nothing but a slap on the wrist from Washington. They want us to like them, too.
Steelworkers Protest US Steel’s ‘Wholesale Indifference’ »
February 11, 2010 | Jane SlaughterAsk a union member what’s the bedrock of a union contract, and most will answer “seniority.” Long established as the way to keep the manager’s brother-in-law from getting the good jobs, companies have learned to live with taking turns and following recall lists.
Worker Center Reports on Restaurant Industry: Bad Jobs—and Lots of Them »
February 10, 2010 | Paul AbowdIt’s apparent now more than ever why restaurant workers are urgently organizing. While members of the Restaurant Opportunities Center roll on with workplace justice campaigns in several cities, affiliates of the national worker center released reports this week from Chicago, New Orleans,...
DC Teachers Could See Shakeup in Union's Spring Election »
February 9, 2010 | Paul AbowdAn outspoken critic of D.C. schools Superintendent Michelle Rhee has entered the race to lead the Washington Teachers Union (WTU). Nathan Saunders, the union’s current vice-president, says the May election is a chance for teachers to take a different direction in contract talks with Rhee, which...