On one side of town, tourists and young professionals head downtown on light rail: clean, air-conditioned, fast. If there’s a problem with service, the city diverts buses to help.
Trying to convince your co-workers that things can change? Labor Notes can help you show them that people no different from themselves have organized a union, or taken back their union, or put the boss in his place.
Postal workers rallied in 56 locations around the country protesting the piecemeal outsourcing of postal work. They've gained an important ally: teachers, who are big buyers of office supplies.
“I didn’t know going on strike would feel so liberating,” 25-year-old McDonald’s worker Jessica Davis of Chicago declared in the Labor Notes Conference's opening session. “I can’t wait for the next strike!”
Steelworkers are holding the line against two-tier wages and pensions at a can plant in Toronto—ruining the plans of their employer, manufacturing giant Crown Holdings.