Troublemakers Blog

May 06, 2016 / Chris Brooks
The company has announced plans to lay off 600 employees—half the plant’s workforce—and outsource production to Mexico. »
April 18, 2016 / Chris Brooks
What if stewards didn't have to represent non-members? Just ask a Tennessee teacher whether that's a union-building or union-busting policy. »
February 24, 2016 / Samantha Winslow
Whether we like it or not, every December Labor Notes staffers get a firsthand look at how the new state health insurance exchanges are working. I’ve had four different health plans in about three years here. After our old plan was discontinued with the advent of the Affordable Care Act, we had to switch to an inferior plan, bought through the exchange. »
February 03, 2016 /
Des Moines fast food workers struck days before the caucus, hoping to use the news media's temporary obsession with Iowa to highlight the campaign for a $15 minimum wage. »
January 29, 2016 /
The more activists from your area attend, the more skills and inspiration they’ll bring back to local organizing. »
January 22, 2016 /
Emergency manager laws like Michigan's are sprouting up all over the country. If the poisoning of an entire U.S. city doesn’t wake people up, I don’t know what will. »
December 18, 2015 / Dan DiMaggio
If there’s one value the labor movement holds highest, it’s solidarity. A brilliant recent example is Kohler, Wisconsin, where 2,100 factory workers struck against two-tier wages. Most strikers were top-tier workers standing up for their lower-tier brothers and sisters—a point of »
December 15, 2015 / Alexandra Bradbury
Elves Local 1224 is turning up the cold in its North Pole strike. Order your gifts from Labor Notes by December 17. »
December 09, 2015 /
At least 21 activists in Guangdong province were apprehended in their homes and offices December 3, in what their supporters are calling a “sweep.” »
December 08, 2015 /
As a local leader in the farmworker movement, I look to Labor Notes for news, allies, and hands-on tools. That’s why I’m asking you to join me and help support troublemaking. »
