Troublemakers Blog

July 06, 2016 /
Prosecutors got a five-year jail term for Han Sang-gyun, leader of the country’s 800,000-strong independent union federation. »
June 30, 2016 /
The immediate future is bleak unless unions rally against the gutting of worker rights that’s already at the core of the government’s agenda—and in defense of immigrants’ rights as well. »
June 29, 2016 / Alexandra Bradbury
Employers should be careful what they wish for. One Hawaiian nursing home lashed out at workers with a bogus charge that they'd gone on strike. Then the workers went on strike for real. »
June 15, 2016 /
This real-life province is like a cooperative version of a Richard Scarry picture book. Everywhere you turn, there’s another happy co-op worker, providing a service that’s good for society. »
June 06, 2016 /
How would you like to work 600 feet up in the air, standing on a two-foot beam, catching red-hot rivets? »
June 01, 2016 / Sonia Singh
Farmworkers and allies are marching 200 miles from Long Island to Albany to demand equal rights for farmworkers. They are closer than they’ve ever been to getting a farmworkers’ bill of rights passed in New York state. »
May 31, 2016 /
After seven weeks out on strike, 39,000 Verizon workers are returning to work June 1, with tentative agreements in hand. »
May 26, 2016 / Dan DiMaggio
The Verizon strike is both a test and an opportunity for the whole labor movement. Will we rise to the occasion and back our striking brothers and sisters at Verizon? »
May 17, 2016 /
The global elite are bending the rules to hide their money, while telling us they can't afford to provide health care or pay a living wage. »
May 11, 2016 / Alexandra Bradbury
I've been bowled over by the reception for our new book. But before you buy it, why not check out the parts we’re giving away for free? »
