Troublemakers Blog

May 27, 2011 /
Two hundred activists found some answers in the tactics, strategies, tools, and sources of inspiration shared at the Labor Notes Troublemakers School last week in Chicago. »
May 27, 2011 /
Three days after statewide protests and lobbying by California teachers, Governor Jerry Brown earmarked an additional $3 billion for education--a result of many months of massive protests and lobbying across the state. »
May 26, 2011 / Jane Slaughter
A Wisconsin judge ruled today that the infamous “budget repair” bill that would undermine public employee unions in the state was passed illegally. State senate Republicans pushed the bill through March 9 without advance public notice, she »
May 24, 2011 / Dan La Botz
Undocumented Latino immigrants in Switzerland are battling many of the same issues that immigrants face here, and they’re organizing to demand creative solutions to common problems. »
May 13, 2011 /
This week marked the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Rides, a heroic effort to end racial segregation in the South. What lessons can today’s movements learn from the Freedom Riders' courage, daring tactics, and rejection of business as usual? »
May 11, 2011 /
“Excluded workers” called on the AFL-CIO to let them in—and got the beginnings of a welcome. At their conference in New York this week, 250 members and organizers from the nine sectors of the Excluded Workers Congress vowed to “expand the human right to organize and collectively bargain.” »
May 10, 2011 /
Graduate workers across the University of California have voted to transform their union. The Academic Workers for a Democratic Union slate swept all 10 executive board positions and nearly 60 percent of Joint Council positions in United Auto Workers Local 2865. The local is the largest graduate worker union in the country and the largest UAW local in the West »
May 06, 2011 / Jane Slaughter
With a straight face, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker proclaimed Wednesday State Employee Recognition Day. In response, a group of union state employees proclaimed their own State Employee Depreciation Day Thursday, with a ceremony on the steps of the Capitol. »
May 05, 2011 / Mischa Gaus
The New York Taxi Workers Alliance released a groundbreaking plan yesterday to win health care for drivers. Classified as independent contractors, the city’s 50,000 licensed cabbies are uninsured at twice the rate of other New Yorkers—52 percent lack coverage, according to a city councilman’s 2009 survey. »
May 03, 2011 /
Afraid you might lose the vote? Stop the count and run. That’s what incumbent leaders did in United Auto Workers Local 2865, representing 12,000 graduate student workers at the University of California. Members of a reform caucus responded with sit-downs at their union headquarters, demanding their union resume the vote count immediately. »
