Troublemakers Blog
July 02, 2015 /
Big strikes broke out in May at two multinational-owned plants in China, over management's efforts to avoid paying proper compensation for layoffs.
June 18, 2015 /
Over four often-contentious days in Detroit in June, delegates to the national convention of the Communications Workers (CWA) chose new leadership, upheld the rights of strikers, and grappled with racism and police brutality.
June 16, 2015 /
Rail workers argue that tragedies like the Amtrak rain derailment on May 12 could be avoided, if companies equipped workers with the tools necessary to perform the job safely.
June 08, 2015 / Julia Kann
In San Francisco, UNITE HERE Local 2 is taking a stand against the fast-growing startup Airbnb, which is threatening members’ work and homes. »
June 05, 2015 /
Thirteen workers a day die on the job in the U.S. One of them was my co-worker: a veteran electrician crushed to death at 5 a.m. on April 24 at the Oklahoma City Quad/Graphics plant. He was servicing equipment on a maintenance call when he was pinned under a crane. »
June 04, 2015 /
Emboldened after winning a big Congressional majority last year, Republicans are taking another swipe at Social Security. Hundreds of retirees recently rallied in Cleveland to raise the alarm.
June 03, 2015 /
Working in the Pennsylvania coal mines is a dirty and dangerous job... and that's before you run into the serial killer haunting your already-haunted town.
May 27, 2015 /
Thousands of teachers in the Brazilian state of São Paulo voted on May 15 to continue their now two-month strike.
May 04, 2015 / Dan DiMaggio
Applying for an entry-level job? One study found that a criminal record cuts in half the chance you’ll even get an interview. But there’s a national movement to end this discrimination: “Ban the Box.”
April 30, 2015 /
At Chicago’s latest Fight for 15 rally, one group of strikers stood out: Brink’s armored truck drivers and messengers, complete with gun belts and bulletproof vests.