With new organizing choked by the legal system, it's a rare campaign that doesn't first extract a “neutrality agreement” to blunt the boss’s wrath. In November, the Supreme Court will consider whether such agreements are legal.
Picture a union worker pulling up in a Cadillac, valet-parking at the city’s most prestigious hospital, and pulling out the gold card for lavish care. Plastic surgery, massages: all covered. Is that what the "Cadillac tax" is supposed to prevent?
Despite massive protests by unions, parents, and community organizations, 47 schools closed in Chicago, and 23 in Philadelphia, almost all in poor Black and Latino neighborhoods.
Two years after Occupy Wall Street, unions and activist groups marched through the city demanding the Robin Hood Tax, a ½-percent tax on Wall Street financial transactions which could generate up to $350 billion annually.
AFL-CIO leaders basked in a glow of favorable media coverage of their 2013 convention. But unfortunately missing were strategies for defending and re-energizing union members.