Troublemakers Blog
January 10, 2018 /
After losing a high-profile election at the Chattanooga Volkswagen plant in 2014, the Auto Workers won a smaller unit: the skilled-trades workers at the plant. »
January 04, 2018 /
January 04, 2018 / Chris Brooks
One of corporate America’s next big goals might surprise you: passing legislation to prevent unions from having to represent workers who don’t pay dues. This is just the latest of many business-friendly labor law reforms proliferating across the country.
December 22, 2017 /
A year ago, when local union leaders and activists gathered at our Central Labor Council of Nashville and Middle Tennessee strategic planning meeting, we learned that the right-wing policy group the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was hosting its big annual conference in our city in 2018. »
December 20, 2017 /
Labor Notes supporters have been busy spreading our bottom-up approach to building the labor movement all over the globe. Here are a few reports: »
December 07, 2017 /
Hondurans went to the polls November 26 to elect a president, national congress, and local authorities. The elections tested the strength of the neoliberal regime in power since June 2009, when a coup d’etat ousted President Manuel Zelaya, whose government had raised the minimum wage substantially and undermined the interests of the traditional oligarchy. »
December 07, 2017 / Alexandra Bradbury
Call her our $250,000 baby.
In July my uneventful pregnancy took a turn—I developed a serious condition called preeclampsia and had to deliver a month early. Paloma weighed less than five pounds at birth, and spent a week in neonatal intensive care. »
December 04, 2017 /
Labor lawyer Robert M. Schwartz, author of The Legal Rights of Union Stewards, has generously turned over his five immensely popular handbooks to Labor Notes. We asked Schwartz about his experience writing and »
December 01, 2017 /
Some days the men I work with amaze me. It was just about time for coffee when the Matt Lauer story broke. [NBC fired the "Today" co-host November 29 over allegations of sexual harassment. -Ed.] So one of the guys says, “Why now? Why are all these women coming out now? Why didn’t they come forward before?” »
November 30, 2017 /
The best way to increase union membership on the eve of the Janus decision? Build a fighting campaign in your workplace. If there’s no fight, there’s nothing to join. »