Troublemakers Blog

October 05, 2010 / Mark Brenner
Saturday’s One Nation rally on the Mall in Washington, D.C. proved one important point: unions can still turn out. The big question is whether it will be the launching pad for a more challenging relationship with labor's “friends in Washington.” »
September 30, 2010 / Mark Brenner
Update! Thursday, Sept. 30 Larry Hanley was elected president today of the 190,000-member Amalgamated Transit Union, which organizes bus drivers in cities across the U.S. and Canada, by delegates to the ATU Convention. Hanley helped found the Keep America Moving coalition to build support for mass transit. Labor Notes' Mark Brenner interviewed him this »
September 24, 2010 /
Worker centers in Windsor and Toronto, Ontario, are fighting a proposed bill that would make low-wage workers "self-enforce" their minimum wage and overtime rights, thus making it easier for businesses to break the law and cheat workers through wage theft. »
September 20, 2010 /
After football players raised an index finger (“one” for unity) in a brief pre-game gesture of union solidarity on the season’s opening day, we hear that ESPN radio says 99 percent of the calls and emails ESPN got were critical of the players. A startling revelation indeed: who »
September 17, 2010 / Mischa Gaus
Not a tea party but a pineapple party: Longshoremen’s (ILA) Local 1291 in Philadelphia dumped pineapples into the Delaware River on Labor Day to protest the Del Monte fruit company’s plans to go non-union. »
September 15, 2010 /
The UAW International is forcing a mail-in vote on a concessionary contract reopener at a GM local—after the membership there voted overwhelmingly not to reopen. »
September 14, 2010 / Mischa Gaus
Labor Notes' Mark Brenner was on Democracy Now! this morning to analyze the decisive showdown between the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) and the Service Employees (SEIU) coming to a head this week in California. »
September 13, 2010 / Jenny Brown
The fight is on at Delta Airlines, where, under new election rules that no longer count abstentions as "no's," 20,000 flight attendants have their best chance yet to win union representation. »
September 07, 2010 /
A strike is likely for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, after musicians voted to reject a management offer that would tumble the DSO out of its top-ten status. »
September 03, 2010 /
Ed Sadlowski came very close to winning the presidency of the Steelworkers in 1977, running a campaign that galvanized rank-and-filers. Now "Oil Can Eddie" is in California, volunteering on the campaign of the National Union of Healthcare Workers to unseat the Service Employees at Kaiser Permanente—an effort to represent more than 43,000 workers. »
