Teacher Strikes
Does anyone believe these strikes, protests and speeches are spontaneous? Doubtlessly, they're organized by the leftist movement. Time for bold leadership and major change. From my perspective, public schools are simple tools of the left. I’d just lock the doors. I'd also cancel state funding which usually is an amount per pupil. I'd issue "education savings account" vouchers to the parents to be used immediately in any accredited school or held until one becomes available. Trust the Constitution. Private enterprise works. We'd see countless schools spring up all around us. The bad ones soon would fail and the good ones soon would grow.
Much of the problem is the notion of "public" education and "federal" intrusion into it. No issue is as important as this one. Public schools are government schools, indoctrination centers if you will. They've also been fundamentally transformed into an enormous entitlement vehicle and dispensing entitlements is the heart of the democrat strategy. It cannot be said too many times. The absence of competition is the problem. A free enterprise education system would eliminate the ability to trample one civil right by supporting an opposing civil right. Perhaps more importantly, it precludes indoctrination of students to unwelcome political agendas.
Let's face it. Public schools are monopolies in a nation where monopoly is a criminal enterprise for everyone else. The solution is privatization, school choice if you will. Not the teachers' idea of choice and certainly not the union's idea. Most know what's needed is a robust free market filled with all kinds of accredited schools, able to deliver general subjects as well as all kinds of specialties, including athletics and the arts. School taxes should be returned to parents in the form of a voucher, spendable in any accredited school by parents according to their choice. Every student would receive the same amount regardless of school taxes paid. Such a system would remove the tyranny, drugs, crime, bullying and bias because no business would survive if it tolerated such behavior.