Troublemakers Blog

Two women in dark t-shirts stand side by side, one reading from a thick booklet
June 26, 2024 /
Vermonters have a special relationship with direct participatory democracy. The first Tuesday of every March, in towns big and small, citizens gather in person to do the business of their community the old-fashioned way—face to face, one person, one vote. Everyone can have the floor to speak their opinion, from an elected officer to the worker who hauls the »
June 25, 2024 /
Labor Notes and our trusty officemates—Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU), the Association for Union Democracy, and lately the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee—are moving! »
Picketers picket on a sidewalk. Person in foreground, wearing a safety-yellow jacket, smiles at the camera. This person has brown skin, glasses, hair in a ponytail, and holds a Local 46 picket sign printed with a limited energy of a fist holding bolts of lightning and the words "Your Life Safety Electricians, Fighting for a Better Contract." The sign appears to be autographed by many other strikers. Another printed sign visible in background says "On strike! NECA! Negotiate now!"
June 20, 2024 /
Two months into an unprecedented strike, the 1,023 members of the limited energy construction unit of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 46 in Seattle voted overwhelmingly June 11 and again June 15 to stay out. »
Three purple buttons. Pronoun "He," "They," or "She" is surrounded on each button by rainbow flag, trans flag, and the words "Union Pride."
June 12, 2024 /
In my union, UFCW Local 555, we found a straightforward yet powerful tool to make the workplace more inclusive: union pride pronoun buttons. »
Many jubilant people holding "IATSE Supports Workers' Rights" picket signs stand in a crowd outdoors in the sunshine, shouting together.
June 10, 2024 /
The Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE) are now several months into bargaining the Hollywood Basic Agreement—the Los Angeles film and TV contract that sets the pattern for all IATSE’s other film and TV contracts. Inspired by the transparency and mobilization that helped other unions win big contract gains last year, members are demanding more involvement. »
Postal workers march with signs about working conditions.
May 28, 2024 /
For three years, rank-and-file postal workers and community allies have been fighting Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s Ten-Year Plan to Amazonify the postal service. »
A group of Black and white men and women, most in red T-shirts, stand in front of the plant gates. Many carry blue and white "UAW on strike" picket signs.
May 23, 2024 /
After we struck for six weeks last fall and won a contract that promised a path to seniority, auto workers are being screwed over again by Stellantis. »
Book cover is black with a logo that is a gear, with a skull in a hard hat on top, the state of Vermont underlaid in green, and a hand-drawn banner htat says "Freedom and Unity." Behind the book cover is a green-shaded cropped image showing some people with raised fists holding Vermont AFL-CIO banner.
May 22, 2024 /
Transforming an existing union into a more democratic and member-run organization has often proven to be a daunting—though possible—task. The pressing need to revitalize organized labor in the U.S., however, depends on such movements. »
A large group of Black and white women and men stands on grass outside the Mercedes-Benz Training Center, smiling, many with fists in the air. Many wear red T-shirts with a UAW logo and the words "Mercedes Workers United."
May 21, 2024 /
I’m still hot as hell three days after losing a union election at the Mercedes factory complex in Alabama. After years of laying a foundation and six months of 100 percent dedication and putting everything on hold, it’s a tough pill to swallow—losing by 597 »
A large crowd, mostly viewed from behind, is arrayed on a hillside or steps of a university campus; banners identify it as UCLA. A few in the crowd hold Palestinian flags and one handmade sign reads "Stay strong." A row of parked vehicles is visible in the distance, at the foot of the hill, backs to the crowd. Dramatic sunlight silhouettes everyone.
May 17, 2024 /
Our union of 48,000 academic workers has just authorized a strike over the University of California’s unfair labor practices in repressing peaceful protest, retaliating against members for protesting, and prohibiting pro-Palestine speech at the worksite. United Auto Workers Local 4811 announced the results yesterday: with nearly 20,000 members voting, 79 percent »
