Troublemakers Blog
July 18, 2014 /
At national conventions of the two major teacher unions this month, controversy flared over the Common Core, a standardized curriculum largely funded by the privatizers at the Gates Foundation.
July 17, 2014 / Jenny Brown
Deficit hawks want the young to stop thinking like Occupy Wall Street, 99% vs. 1%, and start thinking like the Cato Institute, young vs. old.
July 14, 2014 /
It’s not often that a business professor at an elite university argues in favor of investing in workers. So a new book on what Costco and Trader Joe's do right is useful... but also frustrating, for what it leaves out.
July 10, 2014 /
How are "rideshare" startups getting away with flouting taxi regulations? Over cabbies' objections, they're worming their way into cities in the U.S. and Europe—because money talks.
July 08, 2014 / Alexandra Bradbury
Port truckers organizing with the Teamsters in Los Angeles and Long Beach are showing their growing leverage. This time their minority strike shut down one of the L.A. port's biggest terminals.
July 03, 2014 /
Economist Thomas Piketty's new book Capital in the Twenty-First Century offers plenty of ammunition activists can use to expose inequality's scope and force. But don't look to him for solutions.
June 27, 2014 /
This California health care union is calling for state regulations to beef up hospital security and reporting of assaults, after a survey found one in eight members faced violence on the job daily.
June 16, 2014 /
After multiple bounced paychecks and never getting the pay rate they were promised, signature-gatherers in Portland, Oregon, walked off the job and marched on their campaign headquarters.
June 12, 2014 /
Fifth-tier auto workers at the Big 3 are “independent contractors”—in other words, day labor.