Thousands of Quebec nursing home workers have walked off the job in their first-ever series of coordinated strikes. They’re demanding that all workers get a starting hourly wage of $15.
In a weeklong strike, 5,000 Minnesota nurses are defending a health plan that's an oasis of decency—and battling the hospital chain's cost-cutting scheme to hand over staffing decisions to a robot.
How did B&H workers hold so strong even when their boss threatened mass firings? They got the organizing skills they needed from in-depth leadership training with the Laundry Workers Center.
Farmworkers and allies are marching 200 miles from Long Island to Albany to demand equal rights for farmworkers. They are closer than they’ve ever been to getting a farmworkers’ bill of rights passed in New York state.
“We’ve taken just normal, everyday grandmothers and grandfathers, and we’ve made citizen lobbyists out of them.” Thousands of retired truckers have managed to apply the brakes to massive pension cuts—for now.
The Verizon strike is both a test and an opportunity for the whole labor movement. Will we rise to the occasion and back our striking brothers and sisters at Verizon?