Troublemakers Blog

Teachers on a picket line in Los Angeles January 2019
March 07, 2019 / Barbara Madeloni
The guy at the car rental counter found my T-shirt puzzling. It was early on a Tuesday morning, and I had just flown back into L.A. Why, he wanted to know, was someone from Massachusetts wearing a shirt that said “United Teachers Los Angeles”? »
February 22, 2019 /
In the past six months, over 50 workers, students, and labor activists in China have been arrested or disappeared by the government. Their crime? Supporting workers at the Jasic welding equipment factory in their legal efforts to form a union. »
Comics Against the 1% by Daniel Mendez Moore
February 22, 2019 /

February 21, 2019 / Jane Slaughter
Though I've lived in Detroit for 44 years, my heart is still in West Virginia, where I was born and raised. When West Virginia teachers and school workers went on a winning wildcat a year ago, and touched off a wave of teacher strikes across the country, I bragged about them all over, as if it had anything to do with me. »
February 21, 2019 /
Casual dockworkers in the Port of Valparaíso, one of the largest ports in Chile, in December ended a 36-day strike. The majority of Chile’s fruit exports pass through this port. The strike came at the beginning of summer in the southern hemisphere—the height of the season for fruit, one of the biggest export industries in the country. »
February 15, 2019 / Joe DeManuelle-Hall
They did it to public workers. Next they want to do it to railroad and airline workers. A right-wing policy think tank filed a Janus-style lawsuit against the Machinists on January 8, claiming that non-members shouldn’t be required to pay fees for union representation. »
Nurses picketing.
February 07, 2019 / Chris Brooks
Thirteen thousand nurses may be on strike in March at three of the largest employers in New York City. For several months, hospitals in the Montefiore, Mount Sinai, and New York Presbyterian systems have been bargaining jointly with the New York State Nurses Association. »
Bangladeshi garment worker at sewing machine looks up, sitting in factory
February 01, 2019 / Saurav Sarkar
With the sixth anniversary approaching of the Rana Plaza building collapse that killed over 1,000 workers, conditions in the world’s second-largest garment export industry are tumultuous. »
Cover of the first issue of Labor Notes
January 28, 2019 /
Labor Notes is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. We’ll periodically be sharing material from our archives, as well as organizing events across the country to commemorate 40 years of troublemaking—starting with our anniversary party in New York City on Friday, February 1 »
January 25, 2019 /
Auto workers and supporters from three countries rallied last week outside a charity gala at the Auto Show in Detroit. We’re demanding that General Motors reverse its decision to close five North American plants, and possibly more. »
