Troublemakers Blog
November 17, 2011 /
Why is James P. Hoffa headed for re-election in the Teamsters this week, despite presiding over a decade of contract concessions and pension cuts?
November 11, 2011 /
Customer communication technicians in two Comcast offices in Massachusetts petitioned the National Labor Relations Board last Friday to supervise a union representation election.
November 10, 2011 /
After 309 days sitting in on top of a 115-foot shipyard crane, a South Korean welder has won an agreement that her multinational employer will rehire 94 laid-off workers.
November 09, 2011 / Jane Slaughter
Workers at General Motors’ Fairfax plant in Kansas City, Kansas, have won the right to wear T-shirts that call their factory a "penitentiary." GM backed down and reversed the suspensions of workers disciplined for wearing the shirts.
November 04, 2011 / Mark Brenner
FOX News host Stuart Varney had Occupy Wall Street protesters in his sights this Halloween, chiding occupiers and union activists for what he sees as a double standard.
November 04, 2011 /
There is no debt crisis, but there is a “super committee” appointed to fix it. If the gang of 12 Congressional appointees has its way, Medicare, Social Security insurance, and Medicaid will be decimated to placate the infamous 1 percent.
November 03, 2011 /
While Midwest governors who attacked public workers last winter are seeing tremendous public opposition, New York’s Andrew Cuomo continues to be buoyed by high approval ratings. The irony has not escaped members of the Public Employees Federation, who have worked under the threat of layoffs since the summer, when they rejected the Democratic governor’s »
October 28, 2011 /
The executive board of the Auto Workers imposed the contract with Chrysler on the entire membership this week, despite the fact that a majority of skilled trades workers and a substantial minority of production workers voted against the agreement.
October 27, 2011 / Jenny Brown
New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo attempted to evict “Occupy Albany” this week from its home base in a state-owned park in the capital, leading activists to dub him “Governor 1 percent.”
October 26, 2011 / Mischa Gaus
The Remapping Debate website yesterday exposed the real motives behind a consulting company’s August report that suggested manufacturing companies are finding advantages to investing in the U.S.