When workers at a Nexfor lumber and i-joist plant in Juniper, New Brunswick went on strike last October, it was anything but run-of-the-mill. Negotiations for a first collective agreement broke down over the employer's refusal to accept the inclusion of a union security clause and dues check-...
Many activists from both the United States and Mexico are rethinking their attitudes about one another. Many union attitudes in the US have been products of the Cold War and our history of economic nationalism--and many times we have been reminded by Mexicans of the mistrust they have of...
The good news in Transport Workers Union Local 100 is that the new leadership has cleaned up the local’s finances and encouraged member participation in everything from cultural presentations to COPE to the stewards program. The bad news is that it has decided that it does not have to respect...
Plan Puebla-Panama represents the next giant step in corporate-centered globalization: the fruits of NAFTA. Mexican President Vicente Fox, the principal salesman, touts it as his development vision for southern Mexico and Central America...
Le Plan Puebla-Panama (PPP) constitue le prochain pas de géant en direction d'une mondialisation axée sur les sociétés: les fruits de NAFTA. Le Président mexicain Vicente Fox, le principal vendeur, se vante que le PPP représente sa vision du développement du sud du Mexique et de l'Amérique...
On March 1, a Canadian court ordered the United Food and Commercial Workers to place a copy of the union’s constitution on the UFCW Canada web site...
After three years, AFSCME has ended its trusteeship over its District Council 37, which represents 125,000 New York City public employees in 56 local unions...
Three weeks after soundly rejecting a government-proposed contract by 68 to 32 percent, mechanics and utility workers at United Airlines approved a new contract March 5 with a 59 percent "yes" vote...
hat a difference a year makes! In April 2001 we were marching in Quebec, 50,000 strong: students, activists, and union members-including many from the northeastern U.S.-voicing our opposition to the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the latest manifestation of corporate-sponsored globalization...
Que de changement en l'espace d'un an ! En avril 2001, nous étions 50.000 manifestants à Québec : étudiants, militants et syndicalistes - dont un grand nombre venait du nord-est des États-Unis - nous faisions entendre notre opposition à la ZLEA (Zone de Libre-Échange des Amériques), la...
I was born in Lalgodona, Michoacan, January 26, 1934. My father owned some land, but he had to keep selling it off, and in the end, he lost all of it. He became a bracero when the war started with Germany...
In Buenos Aires, the Paris of Latin America, police gunned down two dozen Argentines in December after they chose to face bullets rather than starvation. The nation's currency had crumbled and unemployment had shot up from a grim 16 percent to millions more than the collapsing government could...
Vermont Yankee, our local nuclear power plant, threw everything it had at local voters to defeat a non-binding resolution against nuclear power...
Five months ago, it seemed possible that the living wage movement which has been sweeping the country over the past eight years would wind down. In the post-September 11 world, with a recession hitting state and city budgets, it seemed possible that coalitions would have a harder time winning...
Il y a cinq mois, il semblait possible que le "Mouvement pour un salaire décent" (Living Wage Movement) qui s'est répandu dans le pays au cours de huit dernières années, s'essoufflerait. Dans le monde de l'après-11 septembre, avec une récession frappant les budgets des États et des villes, il...