hat a difference a year makes! In April 2001 we were marching in Quebec, 50,000 strong: students, activists, and union members-including many from the northeastern U.S.-voicing our opposition to the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the latest manifestation of corporate-sponsored globalization...
Que de changement en l'espace d'un an ! En avril 2001, nous étions 50.000 manifestants à Québec : étudiants, militants et syndicalistes - dont un grand nombre venait du nord-est des États-Unis - nous faisions entendre notre opposition à la ZLEA (Zone de Libre-Échange des Amériques), la...
I was born in Lalgodona, Michoacan, January 26, 1934. My father owned some land, but he had to keep selling it off, and in the end, he lost all of it. He became a bracero when the war started with Germany...
In Buenos Aires, the Paris of Latin America, police gunned down two dozen Argentines in December after they chose to face bullets rather than starvation. The nation's currency had crumbled and unemployment had shot up from a grim 16 percent to millions more than the collapsing government could...
Vermont Yankee, our local nuclear power plant, threw everything it had at local voters to defeat a non-binding resolution against nuclear power...
Five months ago, it seemed possible that the living wage movement which has been sweeping the country over the past eight years would wind down. In the post-September 11 world, with a recession hitting state and city budgets, it seemed possible that coalitions would have a harder time winning...
Il y a cinq mois, il semblait possible que le "Mouvement pour un salaire décent" (Living Wage Movement) qui s'est répandu dans le pays au cours de huit dernières années, s'essoufflerait. Dans le monde de l'après-11 septembre, avec une récession frappant les budgets des États et des villes, il...
A conference of 50,000 people? That’s how many activists gathered in Porto Alegre, Brazil in February to participate in the second annual World Social Forum...
Labor was handed (and missed) a tremendous opportunity in February when the World Economic Forum met in New York. The forum, an exclusive annual gathering of corporate and political leaders,normally meets in Davos, Switzerland. Protests led by global justice activists forced the WEF out of the...
Imagine a radio news network run by its rank and file, where employees and supporters determine network policy. Imagine that this network broadcasts stories that affect working people, about labor disputes and corporate mismanagement, rather than stories that suit the interests of advertisers...
Hundreds of workers employed by private mail hauler Pat Salmon & Sons struck on December 11, in an unfair labor practices strike to pressure the company to come to a first contract with the American Postal Workers Union. A strong majority of drivers struck every one of Salmon’s terminals...
So much comes together in the Enron story--deregulation, New Economy fantasies, the links between business and government, the increased role for the stock market in the running of big corporations, professional corruption. It should be read as the failure not of just one firm, but of a whole...
As of October 2001, thousands of poor families were removed from the welfare rolls permanently, to seek economic support on their own. As welfare “reform” moves into its next phase, some unions are seeing opportunities for organizing...
Dissident officers and members of AFSCME Local 420 in New York have come together as the Workers-4-Workers caucus to challenge a leadership they say is guilty of financial irresponsibility and neglect of intolerable working conditions in the city's public hospitals and clinics...
Fifty Delta Airlines flight attendants gathered with members and organizers from the Association of Flight Attendants at the National Mediation Board (NMB) February 1, to witness the vote count for their union representation election. The vote capped a four-year campaign among Delta’s 19,033...