Editor's note: This viewpoint is part of an ongoing debate about how unions should deal with free riders. Check out previous installments here.
Labor Notes is thrilled to announce two fantastic new hires! Bianca Cunningham and Barbara Madeloni will be joining our staff this summer.
Organizing in its best sense—helping people work together to achieve what they want—is at the root of union democracy.
You’re not asking co-workers to join a social club or an insurance plan. You’re asking them to join a fight over issues that matter.
To scale up and tackle big goals takes time and planning. A good campaign starts small and builds.
The best approach is to integrate the membership ‘ask’ into union routines and workplace campaigns
You’ll need a system to track members and potential members, with maps and lists. Get to know the informal leaders in the workplace.
To succeed, your organizing has to combine action on the job with a fight for justice in the wider society.
The moment you may have been dreading arrived June 27, when the Supreme Court imposed the open shop on the public sector nationwide with its decision in Janus v. AFSCME District 31.
Unions are vulnerable to opting out, as members wonder what’s in it for them. The good news is that members will stick with a union that’s visible and vocal in the workplace.
Even if the open shop hasn’t hit your union yet, don't get too comfortable.
“Right-to-work” laws originated in the 1940s as a strategy to maintain Jim Crow in the South.
The open-shop offensive is part of a multipronged plan to ‘defund and defang’ the labor movement. Opt-out canvassers may show up on your doorstep next.
What if you’re caught in a union that's not doing a good job?
Take this self-assessment to get a snapshot of how your union’s current practices stack up and where you're vulnerable.