My first teaching assignment was in a special education classroom in an elementary school basement; above the door in red were the words “Shelter Inside.”
For most nurses and other health care workers it's been the most traumatic month of our careers. We knew we were going into this world-historic challenge with a crippled, fractured, understaffed, and under-capacity health care system.
UPDATE: On May 1 graduate employees won free summer 2020 housing in the dorms for all international students who need it. The union continued to pressure the university administration after winning its MOU earlier.
Unions at the three hospitals on the University of Washington campus asked management for protective Plexiglas barriers similar to what we are seeing at grocery stores. When management said no, we built them ourselves.
Libraries are one of the last social services to normally be open to all. Our labor affects the community health in many ways.
More than 50 health care workers and supporters held a socially distanced rally in front of Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center on April 15 as part of a national day of action for healthcare workers.
Unions and bosses have different outlooks on safety. Employers say illnesses and injuries are caused by worker carelessness: he didn’t wash his hands enough; she touched her face. That’s the way the boss wants you to think, too.
Workers injured or killed by their jobs are honored every year on April 28, Workers’ Memorial Day.
In the midst of a pandemic wreaking havoc on Chicago, a victory was won by nurses and the community served by Provident Hospital. Located on the overwhelmingly black South Side near Washington Park, this institution has a rich history.
At this moment of unprecedented crisis, how can we ensure the physical safety and economic health of U.S. workers?
As we head into the fifth month of the outbreak millions of working families feel like they have been kidnapped and sent to hell.
Transit workers have always known they were essential to the functioning of New York City. Wider public recognition of this fact has come at a high cost.
Chicago Teachers Union Vice President Stacy Davis Gates led off the first-ever Labor Notes Virtual Conference April 18, calling on workplace activists to “pivot from mourning into action.
I’ve had the honor and privilege to serve my fellow Baltimore postal workers as a shop steward for the last decade.
On April 10 residents of Choloma, an industrial town in northern Honduras, blocked the main highway connecting the city of San Pedro Sula to the Port of Cortes. Choloma and nearby towns are the center of sweatshop production for U.S. brands in factories called maquilas.