Welcome, Sarah and Luis!

Luis Feliz Leon (left) and Sarah Hughes (right) are joining the Labor Notes staff in New York. Along with Zach Rioux (not pictured) in Detroit, they bring us to 10—the largest we've ever been.
Labor Notes is excited to bring on two wonderful new staff organizers, Sarah Hughes and Luis Feliz Leon, at our New York office in February. Sarah and Luis are joining our training and events team, and they’ll also write for Labor Notes. And Zach Rioux, who has been temping with us for a year, is now permanent as a part-time administrative worker in our Detroit office.
Sarah is an experienced organizer and trainer with a passion for labor education. She has worked for the National Education Association (NEA), the Professional Staff Congress at the City University of New York, and university labor studies programs. She has also taught a variety of workshops to city workers, electricians, women workers, and others. She holds a masters in labor studies.
Sarah is a longtime Labor Notes collaborator who has already helped us grow—leading workshops and train-the-trainer sessions and offering feedback on curricula in development. While on staff at the NEA, she was responsible for co-producing an educators’ version of our Secrets of a Successful Organizer Trainer’s Guide.
Sarah will be reporting on health care workers, airline workers, and women workers. Reach her at sarah[at]labornotes[dot]org.

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Luis is an accomplished labor journalist and community organizer. You might have read his dispatches from the front lines of worker organizing in The Nation, The American Prospect, The New Republic, Jacobin, Strikewave, The Progressive, and other outlets.
Luis interned at The Nation, Build Up NYC, and 32BJ SEIU. As a lead organizer at the community organization La Fuente, he helped advance—in coalition with unions and other community groups—universal Pre-Kindergarten, municipal ID cards regardless of immigration status, and six-day public library access in working-class neighborhoods of color in Queens, New York. He’s bilingual in Spanish, and a thoughtful practitioner of popular education.
Luis will be reporting on the building trades, worker centers, farmworkers, building service workers, and Latino workers. Reach him at luis[at]labornotes[dot]org.
Sarah, Luis, and Zach bring our staff to 10—the largest we’ve ever been! We’re looking forward to working with them to keep building the troublemaking wing of the labor movement, in a time when it’s more necessary than ever.