Welcome, Natascha and Kari!

Natascha Elena Uhlmann (left) and Kari Thompson (right) are our newest staff writer/organizers. Photos courtesy of Natascha and Kari
Labor Notes is growing. Two wonderful new staffers joined us in September.
Natascha Elena Uhlmann, staff writer/organizer, will be covering UNITE HERE, farmworkers, immigrant workers, and Mexico’s growing independent labor movement. She’s already active in cross-border solidarity; in fact, she’s the editor and translator of former Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s book A New Hope for Mexico.
Natascha is a member of the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee and helped organize the Verso Books Guild. She’s the author of Abolish ICE. Most recently she worked on the editorial team at In These Times. She’s based in Philadelphia.

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Kari Thompson, staff writer/organizer, is a longtime labor educator who got her start in the movement as a member of United Electrical Workers (UE) Local 896 in Iowa. She later joined UE staff as an organizer and then Director of Education and International Strategies.
Over the years she has written us Steward’s Corners on the rights of pregnant and nursing workers, bargaining over abortion rights, and using kitchen-table economics to talk about Medicare for All. Kari is based in Pittsburgh, and she’s joining our training and events team.
If Natascha and Kari look familiar, maybe you met them at the latest Labor Notes Conference, where they both led workshops and panels. We’re thrilled to have them with us full-time.