Join Labor Notes, Teamsters for a Democratic Union, and the Association for Union Democracy for our first annual 2014 Holiday Party!
Celebrate 2014.
We're wrapping up a year of conferences, conventions, events, wins, a new book, and our growing organizations. Let's drink to that! »
Join us for a discussion of How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers, hosted by Educators Network for Social Justice and the Milwaukee Teachers Education Association with a presentation from Labor Notes author Samantha Winslow. Milwaukee area teachers will share lessons learned from the CTU campaign and how they apply to local campaigns. »
Budget cuts, union-busting, privatization, and corporate outsourcing schemes are wreaking havoc on working people in the DC Metro Area and worldwide. We need a strong, fighting labor movement to take on these anti-worker attacks. »
Online registration is now closed, but walk-ins are welcome! Just show up on Sunday and we can register you on the spot. Please try to arrive around 9 a.m.
Calling All Troublemakers!
Vermont Labor Solidarity Committee and Labor Notes present:
Vermont Troublemakers School 2014
When: Sunday, November 9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. »
San Diego Troublemakers plan a day of skill-building workshops, education and strategy discussions to put the movement back in the labor movement.
Join us for a discussion of Labor Notes' new book, How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers, with a presentation from Labor Notes author Mark Brenner.
How to Jump-Start Your Union tells how activists transformed their union by engaging their co-workers and neighbors and unleashing the smarts of rank-and-file members. Readers will learn how Chicago teachers worked with their communities, organized a caucus, ran for office, rebuilt a stewards network, trained new leaders, ran a contract campaign, and went on strike. »
Gainesville Troublemakers plan a day of skill-building workshops, education and strategy discussions to put the movement back in the labor movement.
Wednesday, September 10. Back to school: What better time to swap stories and campaign updates with your favorite local troublemakers, including the authors of How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers?
Join us for a friendly get-together with Labor Notes friends and staff at the bar Dark Horse NYC (serves food too) at 17 Murray St., downtown near City Hall. (A/C to Chambers, 2/3 to Park Place.) »