Steward's Workshop: Communicating with Members

Event Date: 
March 23, 2023

Event at a Glance


March 23, 2023, 8:00 pm

This workshop is intended for stewards and elected officers who work closely with stewards. Please register only if this applies to you.

The workshop will be held on Thursday, March 23, and will run from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Eastern (5 to 6:30 p.m. Pacific). This is an online workshop and will be held via Zoom.

How do you get the word out to members about important information? How do you make sure members are aware of their rights? How do you take credit for victories? How do you get member input on important issues? What ways can you keep members in touch with each other, and not just the steward?

Join Labor Notes for an online workshop for shop stewards on communications and communications structures. Come hear real success stories and troubleshoot challenging situations with other stewards.

Registration is $10 - no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Register by clicking "Add to cart" below, and check out by clicking the cart in the top right corner of the screen. If you want to register more than one person, change the "quantity" in the cart to purchase the correct number of registrations and send names/email addresses to joe @

If you've got any questions or issues, contact joe @

Registration Details: