Troublemakers Blog

huge crowd of people, front row carries "global strike for the climate" banner
September 20, 2019 /
Humans have created an existential crisis. It’s up for grabs who will live, how and where, which species will survive, and how the big decisions are made. No exaggeration—we are in the eleventh hour. Fossil fuel companies, banks, and all those who profit from these industries have exacerbated the warming of our planet, creating a climate disaster. »
September 13, 2019 /
More than 120 years ago the American Federationist, the newspaper of the American Federation of Labor, printed an editorial denouncing the entry of women into the trades. One of its many nuggets of misogyny was this: “The wholesale employment of women in the various handicrafts must gradually unsex them.” »
Labor Notes magazine covers
September 10, 2019 /
To mark our 40th anniversary year, Labor Notes is reprinting occasional selections from our archives. This story was published in issue # 22 in November 1980. --Editors »
September 06, 2019 /
You’ve probably noticed that Hollywood doesn’t turn out many movies about unions. But, says film buff and labor historian Toni Gilpin, there are some overlooked movies out there that depict working people and their lives on the job even though they might lack scenes with picket lines. This is her first installment in an occasional series.—Eds. »
August 28, 2019 / Barbara Madeloni
“Hey, Barbara. This is Arne Duncan. I just wanted to congratulate you on your election victory.” »
August 22, 2019 /
The following are excerpts from Facebook comments in response to Barbara Madeloni's Slingshot, “Less Messaging, More Action” from the June issue of Labor Notes. »
August 21, 2019 /
A recent decision by the Trump National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) addresses intermittent or “hit-and-run” strikes. Employers are jubilant and unions are distressed. Both reactions are largely off the mark. »
August 14, 2019 /
Miners in Harlan County, Kentucky, have drawn national attention with their direct action—occupying a railroad track to halt a coal train until the miners get paid the wages they are owed for digging it up. »
Covers of four issues of Labor Notes from 2019
August 05, 2019 / Alexandra Bradbury
Everyone loves a good story about an Amazon walkout. But when Labor Notes wades into more controversial waters—the pros and cons of a contract, for instance, or a race for union office—we can expect some angry letters. “Let’s not criticize each other,” is a common refrain. “We get enough attacks from the boss! Airing disagreements gives ammo to union- »
