Troublemakers Blog
February 06, 2013 / Alexandra Bradbury
The Postmaster General startled workers today by announcing that letter delivery will drop to five days a week in August. Packages, but not letters, will still be delivered Saturdays.
February 01, 2013 /
Shouldn’t TSA recruit skilled agents and pay them well—rather than hiring young high-school grads and submitting them to a battery of ambiguous tests?
January 30, 2013 / Alexandra Bradbury
Cablevision fired 23 workers in Brooklyn after they tried to use management’s “open door” policy to talk to a vice president about how the company is stonewalling their first-contract bargaining.
January 30, 2013 /
Food service workers at American University ratified a groundbreaking contract Monday, with “sustainability language”: training and more hours so they can cook from scratch with fresh, local ingredients.
January 25, 2013 / Mark Brenner
Last week I was on Fox News to talk about the conflict between New York City and its school bus drivers and aides.
January 17, 2013 /
Reporters at the Southern Weekend newspaper became an Internet sensation when they went out on strike over Communist Party censorship.
January 11, 2013 /
Courageous teachers at Garfield High School in Seattle have voted unanimously to refuse to administer the district’s standardized tests this semester.
January 10, 2013 / Samantha Winslow
Do workers see unions differently when they work at not-for-profit and faith-based hospitals? Campaigns must reflect the workplace culture, Adam Reich argues.
January 07, 2013 / Jane Slaughter
A group of auto workers and supporters will demonstrate at the International Auto Show in Detroit next Sunday and Monday, to call attention to the “maquiladora model” they say the auto companies are applying in their U.S. plants. »
January 04, 2013 /
Unions in El Salvador are fighting a bill that would auction off everything from highways, ports, and airports to municipal services and higher education to private companies—mainly foreign multinationals.