Troublemakers Blog
July 25, 2016 / Dan DiMaggio
At an auto parts plant in Avon, Ohio, all 60 workers were temps—until they threatened to strike.
July 21, 2016 / Alexandra Bradbury
“You learn how small your town is when something like this happens,” said Bernie Hesse, director of legislative and political action at Food and Commercial Workers Local 1189. “Everybody seems to know everybody else. In fact, a number of our members either went to school with Phil, or knew him, or their kids went to school with him.” »
July 06, 2016 / Dan DiMaggio
The Verizon strike could energize workers to pick new fights and take new risks. Let’s seize the chance.
July 06, 2016 /
Prosecutors got a five-year jail term for Han Sang-gyun, leader of the country’s 800,000-strong independent union federation.
June 30, 2016 /
The immediate future is bleak unless unions rally against the gutting of worker rights that’s already at the core of the government’s agenda—and in defense of immigrants’ rights as well.
June 29, 2016 / Alexandra Bradbury
Employers should be careful what they wish for. One Hawaiian nursing home lashed out at workers with a bogus charge that they'd gone on strike. Then the workers went on strike for real.
June 15, 2016 /
This real-life province is like a cooperative version of a Richard Scarry picture book. Everywhere you turn, there’s another happy co-op worker, providing a service that’s good for society.
June 06, 2016 /
How would you like to work 600 feet up in the air, standing on a two-foot beam, catching red-hot rivets?
June 01, 2016 / Sonia Singh
Farmworkers and allies are marching 200 miles from Long Island to Albany to demand equal rights for farmworkers. They are closer than they’ve ever been to getting a farmworkers’ bill of rights passed in New York state.