Troublemakers Blog

A group of people holds a large white banner with the slogan Count Every Vote.
January 28, 2021 / Barbara Madeloni
Democracy is on everyone’s mind, after the presidential election and transition we’ve just weathered. There’s the democracy we had to defend. Union members participated in all kinds of ways—from postal workers making sure the ballots were delivered, to UNITE HERE members canvassing Arizona and Georgia, to central labor councils calling for the results to be »
Green background, stylized "9-5" graphic, movie title, text "indie lens pop-up," and five black-and-white images of women of different races taking notes, typing, and speaking into a megaphone
January 27, 2021 /
The feminist movement sometimes gets derided as ignoring working-class women, but in fact it was the source of urgent demands for equal pay and childcare as well as some of the most creative labor organizing of the 1970s. »
January 20, 2021 /
Most people are familiar with the politically motivated killings that punctuated the 1960s. From Medgar Evers to Robert Kennedy, bloodshed galvanized the antiwar, civil rights, and student movements, but eroded trust in government and higher education. The labor movement was no exception to the rule. »
Two CWA members with signs for Black lives on the pavement
January 15, 2021 / Saurav Sarkar
One multinational company is using Martin Luther King Day to issue a slap in the face to its union, undermining the very legacy of the civil rights leader. Louisiana-based telecommunications giant Lumen Technologies (formerly CenturyLink) announced to its staff October 23 that it would be newly establishing a company holiday on MLK Day—but for non-union workers »
Sintrabrinks workers picketing behind a blue banner in Cali, Colombia in December 2020.
January 12, 2021 /
Colombia is considered one of the world’s most dangerous places to be a union member. Between 2012, when the country’s free trade agreement with the United States entered into force, and May 2019, 172 union activists were murdered. »
December 22, 2020 /
As cases of Covid-19 skyrocket across Washington state, protecting the public health requires bold action from our leaders. Unfortunately, delayed and reactionary responses have abandoned many of our most vulnerable community members. Nowhere is this more evident than in the criminal justice system. »
December 22, 2020 / Barbara Madeloni
The pandemic kicked workers back on their heels—even tumbled some over. Fearing for their lives and well-being, some responded with fire and organizing, others with stunned passivity. »
December 22, 2020 /
Dear fellow Labor Notes supporter, My name is Sara Nelson. As International President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, I represent nearly 50,000 flight attendants at 17 airlines. »
December 21, 2020 / Alexandra Bradbury
Mandatory overtime, speed-up, and union-busting at the U.S. Postal Service—sound familiar? Here’s how postal workers in 1978 confronted grueling and dangerous conditions: they walked out on a wildcat strike. »
December 21, 2020 /
A welder from South Korea is calling for her reinstatement to the shipyard where she was fired for union activity 35 years ago. This campaign will likely be the last one waged by Kim Jin-suk against her deadly, anti-union employer, Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction Co., Ltd. »
