Troublemakers Blog
November 09, 2012 /
At the Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) convention last week, local officers and rank and filers dissected bargaining now underway with UPS. Remarkably, members were focused not on concessions but on advances their union has vowed to win.
November 01, 2012 / Alexandra Bradbury
The Postal Service is using environmental regulation as a fig leaf for its latest privatization ploy.
Postal workers, politicians, and community activists staged a Halloween rally yesterday outside Representative Darrell Issa’s office in Vista, California, calling for Congress to “carve the pumpkin, not the postal eagle.”
October 31, 2012 /
After months of campaigning vigorously for President Obama, unions made a “hard pivot” today and jumped into action to head off threats to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The AFL-CIO and allies planned »
October 30, 2012 /
In his now-famous 47 percent speech, Mitt Romney wrote off almost half of Americans as deadbeats and hopeless dependents. But who actually generates society's wealth—is it the "job creators," or is it workers?
October 22, 2012 /
“HEIST”: Who Stole the American Dream?
Feature documentary by Frances Causey and Donald Goldmacher, 2012
76 min. Order DVD from “It’s the Economy, Stupid” has been the mantra for election strategy since Bill Clinton. It’s the economy that sets the context of our lives. Directly it »
Feature documentary by Frances Causey and Donald Goldmacher, 2012
76 min. Order DVD from “It’s the Economy, Stupid” has been the mantra for election strategy since Bill Clinton. It’s the economy that sets the context of our lives. Directly it »
October 19, 2012 / Mark Brenner
We learned with sadness that Jerry Tucker died this morning. We will be posting a fuller remembrance in the coming days, but wanted to share the following video from the 2012 Labor Notes conference. Jerry received a Troublemaker's Award for his lifetime of rabble-rousing, and below is what we wrote in the program book to honor his many achievements, together »
October 16, 2012 /
October 10, 2012 /
The newest guide from veteran labor lawyer Robert M. Schwartz teaches stewards how to be better defenders of their members. Its examples and tips are advice you will use every day.
September 27, 2012 /
Confronted with a 5-1 majority of adjunct faculty demanding union representation, the administration at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh is claiming the school’s faith should make it exempt from unionization.
September 25, 2012 /
The Mexican Congress looks set to pass a piece of fast-track labor law “reform” this week that could be devastating for millions of workers’ legal rights and incomes.