Video: Playing the Inside Game

Bill Fletcher, ex-AFL-CIO staffer and Center for Labor Renewal co-founder, diagnoses the disarray in the U.S. labor movement in a short interview with "The Real News Network," arguing it results from an excessive reliance on an inside-the-Beltway strategy.



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As they watch their agenda slip away, why aren't unions moving to an outside strategy, organizing the ranks and the millions of unemployed to push the president and Congress? Because they see themselves as protectors of the administration and choose to ignore Democrats' allegiance to corporate power, Fletcher says, and because they're scared of having their access to D.C. decision-makers shut off. So they'll keep playing the inside game, like they did during the endless and ever-worsening health care debate, even if they're bringing a soup spoon to a knife fight.

Mischa Gaus was the editor of Labor Notes from 2008 to