Troublemakers Blog

August 14, 2019 /
Miners in Harlan County, Kentucky, have drawn national attention with their direct action—occupying a railroad track to halt a coal train until the miners get paid the wages they are owed for digging it up. »
Covers of four issues of Labor Notes from 2019
August 05, 2019 / Alexandra Bradbury
Everyone loves a good story about an Amazon walkout. But when Labor Notes wades into more controversial waters—the pros and cons of a contract, for instance, or a race for union office—we can expect some angry letters. “Let’s not criticize each other,” is a common refrain. “We get enough attacks from the boss! Airing disagreements gives ammo to union- »
August 02, 2019 /
This is the latest installment in an occasional series where we evaluate the “union episode” of a television show. »
July 29, 2019 /
A Win Can Take Years »
Devil horns, pitchfork, and tail have been added to the VW logo on a car
July 23, 2019 / Chris Brooks
In the carrot and stick approach to union-busting, Frank Fischer was the carrot. »
July 15, 2019 / Bianca Cunningham
Twenty-five Martha’s Vineyard bus drivers are striking for a first contract, exposing the inequality that exists for working people on an island known as the summer home of the rich and famous. »
July 12, 2019 /
This story was first published by Northwest Labor Press. But there’s a Labor Notes connection—one of the workers who led the effort started by reading our book Secrets of a Successful Organizer. Get your copy »
Characters from the film hold up a banner.
July 11, 2019 /
Since last fall, protestors wearing yellow vests have commanded center stage in France. Their grassroots challenge to the neoliberal regime of President Emmanuel Macron draws on a long tradition of labor militancy, including factory closing fights. »
Green New Deal banners at rally
July 08, 2019 /
A recent article in Politico ("Labor anger over Green New Deal greets 2020 contenders in California,” June 6) alleged that blue-collar workers in California reject the Green New Deal. »
