Thousands of health care workers in Texas and Florida have a shot at a union as a result of neutrality deals. SEIU and CNA-NNOC say they gave away no pre-conditions to get the deals. But what kind of unions are they building?
“I haven't been this excited since the early 1990s,” said a Teamster at a strategizing session for the Sandy Pope campaign. Pope, a local president in New York, is running against James Hoffa for the Teamsters presidency next year.
Ohio Teamsters are experiencing a classic case of what happens when a company is ready to break the law to keep a union out. Since 125 aluminum foundry workers voted for Akron Teamsters Local 24 in March 2008, management has been barefaced in its refusal to bargain and its discrimination...
Delta flight attendants in New York gathered in disbelief yesterday to hear the bad news about their month-long union election.
To revive unionism, we must recover labor’s long-lost tools of workplace-based solidarity. That means hitting employers at multiple points in production and distribution chains with secondary and industry-wide strikes.
Around the country, owners are recovering profitability but refusing to share the gains. Nurses and hotel workers are pulling short strikes—just to stay in place—as employers demand givebacks and cut staffing to the bone.
Remember when U.S. workers were promised that trade pacts based on the North American Free Trade Agreement model would boost exports and create millions of jobs? The numbers are in, and they don't look good.
A slate of union reformers won a narrow victory Wednesday in the first round of a teachers’ union election in Washington, D.C. The election has far-reaching implications because the D.C. school district has been celebrated as a national model for the corporate version of school reform being...
Fifteen thousand Canadian auto parts workers staged noon-hour rallies at work October 27, protesting companies' demands for wage cuts and two-tier wages. Citing previous concessions, officials said, "We're drawing the line."
As French President Nicolas Sarkozy moved within inches of passing unpopular pension cutbacks, workers continued to strike and march in protest. Close to two million people filled the streets throughout France October 28, marking the seventh national day of action in less than two months.
Domestic workers are specifically denied bargaining rights under New York state’s labor law, but childcare givers, housekeepers, and elder care workers gathered today in downtown Manhattan to begin a campaign to change that.
For 40 years anti-union business groups and media bloviators have undermined private sector unions. They're now determined to destroy public workers' unions.
Public employees are the “welfare queens” of the 2010s--the ones supposedly feeding at the public trough, at our expense. This video argues that public employees aren’t living that high off the hog.
Our tax system is painfully unfair to middle- and low-income people. Laws in the majority of states are rife with dodges that permit large corporations and wealthy people to avoid paying tax.
With the midterm elections a week out, the headlines are all about money in politics. But the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal can't agree on who deserves more scrutiny—business or labor.