Help Build the 2008 Labor Notes Conference
Labor Notes is not just a magazine; it’s a project built by and for labor activists. The upcoming 2008 Labor Notes Conference is a prime example, drawing on the work of labor activists from around the country—and the world.
Though the conference is a little over half a year away (April 11-13, 2008), the Labor Notes staff and policy committee are already strategizing about ways to build the conference. This early start is part of a broader approach to the 2008 conference.
In recent years, local committees in several parts of the country have used their local networks to build the conference. In Vermont, Labor Notes supporters organized through the Vermont Workers Center to recruit young rank-and-file activists to the conference, rented a van that took conference attendees from Vermont to Detroit, and used that long drive to plan a new campaign. In Madison, Wisconsin union members organized a bus to bring dozens of participants to the conference.
We’re hoping to build new Labor Notes conference organizing committees in San Francisco/San Jose, North Carolina, Chicago, Seattle, and Albany, New York.
These committees have a very specific mission: (1) convene local labor activists, allies, and friends of Labor Notes; (2) plan “build-up” local events prior to the April conference; (3) recruit registrants and help organize fundraising and transportation as needed. Labor Notes staffers will provide full support to the committees in planning, providing lists of people in your area that you can contact about the conference, arranging speakers for the build-up events, and bringing local supporters together in conference calls.

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Labor Notes is considering options for pre-conference workshops and expanded Friday programming, designed to support the development of leaders in key sectors and interest areas. The 2006 conference featured half-day pre-conference events for airline and telecommunications workers. The 2003 conference had a full-day mini-conference for over 60 worker center activists.
Finally, we are developing new ways for supporters to participate all through the conference organizing process. Interactive web links will provide frequently updated information on conference speakers, workshops, and logistics. Feedback on workshop preferences and online registration will also be available on the site, and Labor Notes may go as far as to develop special regional sites linking off of our main site for those who request them.
To join a local organizing committee or help start a new one contact Marsha at 718/284-4144 or Anna at 313/842-6262.
Ellen David Friedman is a member of the Labor Notes policy committee.