Dallas Troublemakers School
Event at a Glance
Online registration is now closed, but it's not too late to attend the event! Show up Saturday morning and you can register at the door.
View the program here.
8:30 am-Registration Opens
9:00 am- Morning Plenary - Lori Burris, Oklahoma Education Association on their statewide teachers strike
- Stephanie Kopnang, UNITE HERE, on airport sky chefs voting to strike for a fair contract
10:15 am- Workshop Block 1 (participants can choose to attend one of the following)
Beating Apathy
Assembling Your Deam Team
Dealing With Difficult Supervisors
Race and Labor: Lets Talk About It
12:15 pm- LUNCH
1:30 pm- Workshop Block 2 (participants can choose to attend one of the following)
Turning an Issue into a Campaign
Fighting for Immigrant Justice in the Workplace
Enforcing your UPS Contract
3:30 pm- Closing Plenary -
Tevita Uhatafe, TWU-513, shop steward on the mechanics fight against American Airlines
Karen Reyes, Education Austin on the recent campaign to get wage increases
About the event: Dallas Troublemakers are planning a day of skill-building workshops, education, and strategy discussions to put some movement back in the labor movement. This school will be a great opportunity for union members and labor activists to share strategies and build the solidarity required in these tough times. A light breakfast, lunch, and workshop materials are included with registration. Workshops on Secrets of a Successful Organizer, Building Power at Your Worksite and more! We will have a full agenda for the school, including workshops and plenaries, as we get closer. For more info, contact Bianca Cunningham of Labor Notes: (816) 699-5568, bianca@labornotes.org. Cost: $20 regular registration; $10 low-income. For $35, you get a regular registration plus a half-price one-year subscription to Labor Notes.
Register online below or at the door (though please e-mail bianca@labornotes.org if you're paying at the door, so we can get an accurate head count!). No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Online registration is now closed, but it's not too late to attend the event! Show up Saturday morning and you can register at the door.