Gifts in honor of Harold Eisenstein

August 17, 2022 / Alexandra Bradbury Enlarge or shrink text

Photo of man in suit, elbow on lectern, mid-speech. Projected behind him is an image of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Harold Eisenstein dedicated his life to working people and justice. He was a committed labor attorney, working both at the Public Employees Federation and the New York State United Teachers. He was passionate about educating others on the need for social justice, equity, and equality. He taught others about his parents’ experiences as slave laborers and survivors of the Holocaust, using these experiences to draw comparisons with the current political climate in the United States. Harold had a passion for history, specifically the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Black history. Although he was upset by the current state of the world, he was always optimistic; he believed in the power of organizing and community.

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