
THIS WORKSHOP IS AT CAPACITY, AND REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR OTHER EVENTS ON OUR EVENTS PAGE. Bullying bosses can turn our daily work lives into nightmares. Whether you have a boss who's a toxic micro-manager, who shouts and demeans, who's erratic and unpredictable, who is divisive and sets co-workers up against each other, or who is sexist or racist... these are indignities that are wrong and should be challenged. But how? »
THIS WORKSHOP IS AT CAPACITY, AND REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR OTHER EVENTS ON OUR EVENTS PAGE. Join us for our Secrets of a Successful Organizer training series: These are based on our widely-acclaimed book, Secrets of a Successful Organizer. These trainings will be held via Zoom. The sessions will run Mondays from 7:30pm-9:30pm ET (4:30pm-6:30pm PT) on November 15, 22, 29. »
This is the second in a series of on-line workshops for higher education workers about how to organize around campus debt. In our first session, Campus Debt: Debunking Myths and Organizing for Action, we saw how campus debt damages our higher education institutions, adds to student debt, and shapes our institutions to the needs of Wall Street not the public good. As one participant noted, they had not before thought through the power relationships entailed in debt. And we began to explore how to undo some of the myths that surround debt and limit our imagination and demands. »
For decades, members of the United Auto Workers and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters have struggled to turn their iconic unions into democratic organizations that are ready to fight the boss. This November, two landmark campaigns—the 2021 Teamsters election and the UAW "one member, one vote" referendum—will steer the course of these unions for generations to come. »
THIS WORKSHOP IS AT CAPACITY AND REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Keep an eye on your email for upcoming steward workshops! Note: This workshop is intended for stewards and has limited space. Please register only if you are a steward, officer, or are interested in becoming a steward! The workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 13, from 7-9pm Eastern/6-8pm Central/5-7pm Mountain/4-6pm Pacific. Stewards are the backbone of every union, defending their co-workers when they are needed most. »
REGISTRATION FOR THE OCTOBER WORKSHOP SERIES IS CLOSED. LOOK FOR MORE IN DECEMBER. Join us for our Secrets of a Successful Organizer training series: These are based on our widely-acclaimed book, Secrets of a Successful Organizer. These trainings will be held via Zoom. The sessions will run Tuesdays from 8pm-10pm ET (5pm-7pm PT) on October 5, 12, and 19. We are asking you to attend all three workshops in the series. »
Note: this workshop is intended for stewards and has limited space. Please register only if you are a steward, officer, or are interested in becoming a steward! The workshop will be held on Wednesday, September 22 from 7:30-9pm Eastern/6:30-8pm Central/4:30-6pm Pacific. Join Labor Notes for an online workshop for shop stewards on “thinking like an organizer.” »
A group of 8 people sit at a round table, as one person draws a large diagram on paper on the table
WORKSHOP REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Join us for our Secrets of a Successful Organizer training series: These are based on our widely-acclaimed book, Secrets of a Successful Organizer. These trainings will be held via Zoom. The sessions will run Sundays from 1pm-3pm ET (10am-12pm PT) on September 12, 19, 26, and October 3. »
