
Join us for a discussion of Labor Notes' new book, How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers at Madison's Labor Temple, Monday, February 24, sponsored by the TAA and the Labor and Working Class Studies Project and endorsed by the South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL). »
Join us for a discussion of Labor Notes' new book, How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers, with a presentation from Labor Notes editor Jane Slaughter. »
Join us for a discussion of Labor Notes' new book, How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers at the UE Hall. How to Jump-Start Your Union tells how activists transformed their union by engaging their co-workers and neighbors and unleashing the smarts of rank-and-file members. Readers will learn how to work with their communities, organize a caucus, run for office, rebuild a stewards network, train new leaders, run a contract campaign, and strike. Books will be for sale at the event for $15. »
Do you need revving up? ...a break from the daily slog? Want to support area activists going to the Labor Notes Conference this spring in Chicago? Come hear Steve Early talk about his new book Save Our Unions: Dispatches from a Movement in Distress. Hear new ideas and new takes on old ones, stories, from current workers’ struggles in our town and share what’s working and what’s not. »
Join us for a discussion of Labor Notes new book, How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers. »
Pittsburgh troublemakers are planning a day of skill-building workshops, education and strategy discussions to put the movement back in the labor movement. Layoffs, union-busting, and slash-and-burn budgets are squeezing working people. Rank-and-file union members and community activists are rebuilding solidarity and fighting back together. Join us. »
Slide Presentation, Q & A, and Discussion with Lacey Kohlmoos of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, in Detroit. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a massive “free trade agreement” that isn’t really about trade. It’s now being negotiated behind closed doors and influenced by over 600 corporate advisers. If it passes, the TPP will shape what governments do on labor rights, global health, food safety, consumer rights, financial regulations, and the environment. Yes, it’s that big. »
New York troublemakers are planning a day of skill-building workshops, education, and strategy discussions to put some movement back in the labor movement. This school will be a great opportunity for union members, stewards, and community activists to share strategies and build the solidarity required in these tough times. »
