
Left half: woman with "on strike" sign; right half: woman leading workshop
It’s bigger than one workplace. Budget-cutting politicians and greedy corporations are pushing a coordinated agenda. Employers are looking to balance their budgets off the backs of workers, but workers are fighting back. Join Labor Notes and labor activists from around the area to strategize, share skills, and learn ways to organize to win. »
It’s bigger than one workplace. Budget-cutting politicians and greedy corporations are pushing a coordinated agenda. Employers are looking to balance their budgets off the backs of workers, but workers are fighting back. Join Labor Notes and labor activists from around the area to strategize, share skills, and learn ways to organize to win. »
ONLINE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT, BUT WALK-IN REGISTRATIONS ARE WELCOME! You can view the program by clicking here. It’s bigger than one workplace. Budget-cutting politicians and greedy corporations are pushing a coordinated agenda. Employers are looking to balance their budgets off the backs of workers, but workers are fighting back. »
The Chicago Teachers Union and SEIU Local 73 are on strike for class size caps, fair wages, support for homeless students, affordable and sustainable housing, a nurse in every school and more counselors and librarians – and more! We’ve learned that they have reached a tentative agreement that includes naptime for Pre-K students. Yes, we need to strike to get little ones naptime. »
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. Forty-nine thousand auto workers are on strike at General Motors in the largest private sector strike since the last time union and company clashed, in 2007. Now, there is a tentative agreement with the company. In this webinar, rank-and-file autoworkers will debate whether to support the agreement and go back to work, or vote it down and stay out on the picket lines in the hope of achieving something better. »
Labor Notes and the International Labour Rights Forum are co-hosting a webinar on October 17 at 9:00 p.m. EST on how labor activists across Asia are building power in the face of multinational corporations. What are the opportunities and challenges for strengthening solidarity across the region? How can we organize in our own unions to build a movement that can tackle rising inequality across borders? How is state repression impacting how activists organize? These are some of the questions we hope to discuss with activists from Japan, Myanmar, and the Philippines. »
Left half: woman with "on strike" sign; right half: woman leading workshop
It’s bigger than one workplace. Budget-cutting politicians and greedy corporations are pushing a coordinated agenda. Employers are looking to balance their budgets off the backs of workers, but workers are fighting back. Join Labor Notes and labor activists from around the area to strategize, share skills, and learn ways to organize to win. Troublemakers Schools are day-long mini-conferences that cover organizing skills and highlight real-world examples of taking on the boss - and winning. »
