Troublemakers Blog
November 24, 2021 / Alexandra Bradbury
It’s inspiring to see members in revolt against two-tier at the farm equipment maker John Deere, the hospital chain Kaiser »
November 19, 2021 / Dan DiMaggio
After five weeks on strike, 2,000 Buffalo hospital workers returned to work November 10 with what they are calling a “landmark” agreement on their top demand: safe staffing ratios. »
November 09, 2021 /
If you thought union raids had gone out of fashion around the time of the jitterbug, think again. Raids are making a comeback, courtesy of the American Federation of Teachers. »
November 05, 2021 /
While the 10,000 United Auto Workers members on strike at John Deere have drawn the national spotlight over the past three weeks, several thousand UAW members have also struck at two other billionaire employers: Harvard and Columbia »
November 04, 2021 /
A hundred thousand American workers either went on strike or authorized strikes in October, now known as Striketober. Here in the Pacific Northwest, carpenters began a courageous strike in September, rejecting four tentative agreements in an effort to win a contract that would put them more on pace with the higher-earning trades. »
November 02, 2021 /
When a lot happens in the labor movement, a lot happens at Labor Notes. Visit for details on online workshops and stewards trainings, as well as in-person Troublemakers Schools. Some highlights: »
November 01, 2021 /
After more than two years of stalled negotiations, 6,000 University of California lecturers are preparing to strike. The lecturers do one-third of all teaching but earn just a fraction of what their tenure-track counterparts do, with little in the way of job security. »
October 28, 2021 /
Tired of working 12 hours a day, seven days a week, immigrant textile workers are at the center of a growing movement by Italy's workers for the right to “8x5”—eight-hour days, five days a week. »
October 27, 2021 / Alexandra Bradbury
Like letter carriers at the Postal Service, UPS drivers are also facing forced overtime—and the problem is only going to get worse as the holidays get closer. »
October 27, 2021 / Barbara Madeloni
The safety of the community as a whole requires vaccines and vaccine mandates. But conversations about mandates have stumbled over questions about the power of employers and the rights of workers.
When unions avoid taking a stand for vaccine requirements (or even support resistance to mandates) they fall into three traps. »