Troublemakers Blog

May 12, 2017 /
For unions in corporate America, it’s always been hard times. Even in labor’s heyday—the 1940s, ’50s, and ’60s—unions had to struggle for everything. Plus, back then organizers risked being tarred as stooges for Moscow. »
May 09, 2017 /
Peter Winkels, the former business agent for Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local P-9—which gained worldwide fame for its 1980s strike against the highly profitable Hormel Co.—died on April 23. Winkels, who had suffered from diabetes and other illnesses, was 69. »
May 08, 2017 /
When teachers in Seattle planned a Black Lives Matter action in response to an incident of violent racism last October, our caucus of teachers in Philadelphia got inspired. »
May 05, 2017 /
Editors’ note: The nation’s first successful fight for a $15 minimum wage ordinance was won in the small city of SeaTac, Washington, in 2013. A new book by one of the campaign’s leaders, Jonathan Rosenblum, tells how they did it. »
April 26, 2017 / Alexandra Bradbury
“In the Age of Trump, Can Labor Unite?” asks Labor Notes Editor Alexandra Bradbury in her May 2017 cover story for In These Times magazine. Here’s how it begins: »
April 20, 2017 /
April 06, 2017 /
Durante cinco semanas, los maestros de Argentina han estado en huelga casi continuamente, usando los días que en que concurren a las escuelas para explicar a los estudiantes y a los padres las razones de su conflicto con el gobierno nacional.Hoy se unen al resto de los trabajadores del país en la primera huelga general del presidente Mauricio Macri. »
April 06, 2017 /
For five weeks teachers in Argentina have been on strike almost continuously, using the days they do go to school to explain to students and parents the reasons for their conflict with the national government. Today, they’re joined by the rest of the country’s workers, in the first general strike under President Mauricio Macri. »
April 05, 2017 / Dan DiMaggio
When they heard President Donald Trump would address the Building Trades national legislative conference, activists from Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 569 knew they had to do something. »
March 31, 2017 /
