Technical and service workers at Kaiser Permanente’s 331 California hospitals and clinics have voted to remain part of the Service Employees’ (SEIU) third-largest local, United Healthcare Workers-West. The vote, counted October 7, was billed as the most expensive union election ever.
Larry Hanley was elected president last month of the 190,000-member Amalgamated Transit Union, which organizes bus drivers and other transit workers in cities across the U.S. and Canada. Delegates to the ATU convention voted 372-272 for Hanley over incumbent Ron Heintzman.
Two hundred auto workers picketed October 16 outside the locked gates of their union’s headquarters in Detroit, protesting an agreement to let General Motors pay half wages at a suburban assembly plant.
In a time when politicians are wringing their hands over “out-of-control” spending, Pennsylvania’s Office of Homeland Security has contracted the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response, a private company, to assess terrorist threats--like Jobs with Justice.
Are you thinking about running for local union office? If you’re like most candidates, you start by asking “Who can I get to run with me?” It seems like a good question. But it’s the wrong way to start your campaign.
Home health workers and childcare workers will lose their unions if the Right to Work foundation has its way in court. This long-time foe of unionization denies their status as workers.
A union election loaded with educational and racial politics—and questions of union democracy—will soon shape D.C.'s schools. The vote follows a mayoral election that ousted leaders of the virulent form of education “reform.”
Ask airport security workers who runs the Transportation Security Administration, and the “good old boys’ club” comes up a lot. Two unions are vying at TSA, campaigning for bargaining rights so they can square off in an election.
The farmworker group Coalition of Immokalee Workers announced today it has reached a landmark deal with a Florida tomato grower to govern conditions in the fields.
Close to 3.5 million workers took to the streets of France Tuesday, protesting the government’s plans to cut public pensions. The demonstrations included disruptive strikes among key groups of workers, which some unions want to continue indefinitely.
Striking musicians of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra received an additional bravo after their successful self-produced concert October 10. As they left the stage they learned that their campaign to get internationally acclaimed violin soloist Sarah Chang to cancel management's replacement...
What are workers to do when, after they file a petition for a union election, the employer declares the entire workforce no longer employed? That’s what happened early this summer to adjunct faculty trying to organize at East-West University in Chicago.
Sandy Pope, a local president in New York, announced she will run against James Hoffa for the presidency of the Teamsters, in a three-way race. Pope criticized Hoffa for bargaining weak contracts, and said the union needs to re-organize trucking.
Ballot counting wrapped up late Thursday in one of the most hotly contested union elections in years. Workers at Kaiser Permanente’s 331 California hospitals and clinics stuck with the Service Employees (SEIU) third-largest local, UHW.
[This article was written for the newsletter of the American Postal Workers Union Greater Seattle Area Local, where David Yao is vice president.]
The following is my own transcribed version of the notorious September 16 episode of a Fox Business Network show that insulted postal workers...