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Many unions buy Just Cause and other books by Robert M. Schwartz for all their stewards. For details on discounts from 10 to 25 percent, click here. Email alex[at]labornotes[dot]org or call 718-284-4144 with any questions.
“An instant labor classic—Just Cause belongs in every steward’s toolbox.”
—LARRY HANLEY, International President, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU)
"In Just Cause, Robert Schwartz has set out to help stewards and union advocates successfully challenge workplace penalties assessed under negotiated disciplinary procedures. He does so in the direct and accessible style that characterizes all his handbooks. As such, it is a welcome addition to the literature written for grievance advocates."
—ROBERT WECHSLER, Labor Studies Journal
"I have every book by Robert Schwartz. Every shop steward needs these books in their daily fight for justice on the shop floor!"
—ANDY WOOD, District 2 Committee person, UAW Local 5285