The Labor Notes Conference is a great place for unions and labor-centered organizations to promote causes, sell merchandise, and network.
Our Conferences unite thousands of labor activists to strategize, learn new tactics, and come back to their unions and communities stronger and bolder. The last Labor Notes Conference in 2022 drew 4,500 people.
Program Book
We are now taking ads for the program book. In addition to generating visibility for your union or organization, your ad will help fund the Conference and provide scholarships for low-income attendees.
Our rates are:
Full Page (7.5” wide by 10” tall): $1,000
Half Page (7.5” wide by 4.875” tall): $750
Quarter Page (3.625” wide by 4.875” tall): $350
Business Card (3.625” wide by 2.5” tall): $200
*If you need your ad designed by Labor Notes, the cost is $50 extra. Please send text and instructions to anousha[at]labornotes[dot]org. To pay for design, please add your choice of Program Book Ad to your cart; then use your browser's back button to return to this page and add "$50 - Program Book Ad Design" by Labor Notes to your cart before checking out.
The deadline for purchasing and sending in ads is Friday, February 16th. After purchasing, please send your ad design, with the correct dimensions, to anousha[at]labornotes[dot]org The files can be jpg, pdf, or other standard graphic formats. The ad will be printed in black and white.
We reserve the right to reject ads. In the case that this occurs, we will let you know and reimburse you.
For more information, email anousha[at]labornotes[dot]org, or call 718-284-4144.