
Upcoming Events

Photo by Matt Leichenger, member of Teamsters Local 804 Following the presidential election, CEOs are eager to use 2025 to bust our unions and divide working people like we've never seen. From public workers to the building trades to everyone striving to win their first union, we all have a ton on the line. It's time to get organized to fight. »
This workshop is intended for stewards and elected officers who work closely with stewards. Please register only if this applies to you. Chances are that we've all been to a bad meeting. One person talked the whole time, the meeting ran way too long, people left with no clearer sense of what to do about their workplace problems, and so on. But meetings don't have to be this way. Meetings can be a way for shop stewards to bring their coworkers together to build strength in their fight against the boss—when they're run effectively. »
You've been talking to your co-workers, and they say they feel overworked, underpaid, and increasingly pressured by productivity quotas and the ever present threat of discipline. How do you fight for better? Secrets of a Successful Organizer is Labor Notes' core organizing training, in three sessions full of lively participatory exercises. We welcome first-timers and repeat attendees looking to sharpen their skills. »
Real solutions to the climate crisis depend on workers' know-how. CEOs usually cling to their dirty profits, or try to cash in on green technology to bust our unions and degrade our jobs. In this new online workshop from Labor Notes, you'll hear from rank-and-file workers who organized collective action for better jobs and a livable climate. »