Troublemakers Blog

February 26, 2015 /
Management had to go to arbitration for trying to put me in that closet. The arbitrator thought it was disgraceful. But they still won’t let me in the women’s locker room. »
February 25, 2015 / Samantha Winslow
On election night the Chicago Teachers Union and its new independent political organization didn’t knock out Mayor Rahm Emanuel—but they did take him down a notch, forcing him into a runoff with the union’s preferred candidate, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia. »
February 24, 2015 / Mark Brenner
Too often when we start talking about organizing, we immediately focus on workers outside of unions. »
February 20, 2015 / Alexandra Bradbury
Three years after voting to unionize, 262 Brooklyn Cablevision technicians have won their first union contract—and it’s a good one. »
February 18, 2015 /
Sociology professor and unionist Stanley Aronowitz challenges the labor movement to decide what it wants to be. Could we once again lead the way to transforming our whole society? »
February 13, 2015 /
Graduate workers' teaching and research helps generate tens of millions of dollars for UConn each year. Yet they're paid meager stipends—and forced to hand 10 to 22 percent of their incomes back to the university in student fees. »
February 12, 2015 /
A six-day strike last week closed down 10 of Kaiser Permanente’s 22 Hawai’i clinics. The sticking point in negotiations is staffing. »
February 05, 2015 /
China's official union federation has taken the unusual step of publicly criticizing the country's largest private employer. Foxconn worker deaths continue, though the company has gotten better at covering them up. »
February 04, 2015 /
What about the nights I moved humongous, unsteady cargo like coils, pipes, plates, and tires across uneven terrain and stacked them perfectly in the dark, with nothing but the dim light of my heavy lift to guide me? Was I a thief then? »
January 30, 2015 / Jenny Brown
Tipping raises the stakes on sexual harassment in restaurants. With co-workers, “I have more freedom to be like, ‘okay, stop it,’” said one server. “But when a guest does it, then I feel a lot more powerless." »
