Troublemakers Blog

Images of the covers of the books Class Struggle Unionism, Fight Like Hell, and On the Line
August 01, 2022 /
A number of veteran organizers and labor journalists are publishing books this year that will be of interest to Labor Notes readers. Many of them participated in a "Meet the Author" session at the recent Labor Notes Conference. Here are a few books to check out or pre-order: »
Women march behind a giant banner. The part we can see reads "OUR ABORTION." Other signs visible say "If it's not your body, it's not your choice" and "Our bodies, our future."
July 27, 2022 / Alexandra Bradbury, / Sarah Hughes
Abortion: it’s a topic unions shy away from. The logic is, why go there? You might alienate conservative workers who otherwise share your workplace concerns. And it’s true, you might—though the issue is not as divisive as the GOP makes it out to be. A solid 61 percent of U.S. adults is pro-choice. Among those aged 18-29, it’s 74 percent. »
Head shots of Courtney Smith, Alejandra Quintero, Angela Bunay, and Caitlyn Clark.
July 13, 2022 /
We’re excited to welcome a new member to the Labor Notes staff: Courtney Smith! Courtney worked on the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign in 2020 as a Black constituency organizer. She has also worked with families who were victims of police brutality, and as an organizer with the Lecturers’ Employee Organization at the University of Michigan. »
July 07, 2022 / Caitlyn Clark
A typical picket line has picket signs, megaphones, and fed-up workers. But the picket line at Star Garden Topless Dive Bar in North Hollywood, California, has all that and more: taco carts, dance poles, and themed costume nights like Woodstock and the French Revolution. »
A masked worker in a straw hat speaks while an older unmasked man in a sweatshirt, the grower, listens, smiling or grimacing. Both are holding paper. A younger man in a red jacket, unmasked, stands impassive. Other masked people circle them, one with resolutely crossed arms.
July 05, 2022 /
In a major agro-export region four hours south of the U.S-Mexican border, berry pickers went on strike May 28 to demand a bigger share of the profits they produce. Over the following week, protests and strikes erupted on farms throughout the San Quintín valley, a major source of berries, tomatoes, chilies, and cucumbers. A second wave of strikes began June 30. »
June 28, 2022 /
The rare planetary alignment in mid-June was accompanied by the equally rare alignment of the AFL-CIO convention and the Labor Notes conference. It’s not often there is the opportunity for such direct comparison of the top leadership and activist base of the labor movement. »
Two frozen burritos in Amy's Kitchen packaging
June 23, 2022 / Angela Bunay
The spirit of unionizing is in the air, from Amazon to Starbucks. Now the workers in two frozen food factories in California are getting in on the action. But they're facing serious union-busting from their employer, Amy's Kitchen, despite its progressive branding. »
June 21, 2022 / Alexandra Bradbury
Wow! What an amazing weekend. Thank you to all 4,000 troublemakers who converged in Chicago June 17-19 and made this year's Labor Notes Conference incredible. The energy you brought, the stories you shared, the connections you made, the ideas and plans you're bringing back home—that's what it's all about. »
A line of people, whose faces are replaced by clocks or windows, stretches back
June 15, 2022 / Sarah Hughes

Waterwell, in association with Working Theater, present 7 Minutes written by Stefano Massini
translated by Francesca Spedalieri
directed by Kristina Valada-Viars »
June 01, 2022 /
My wife and I were motoring down the main avenue in Alexandria, Virginia, in 2017 when I yelled out, “Stop! I gotta have this sign!” Nancy pulled over. I jumped out and yanked out of the roadside a real estate sign that announced, “From the Upper $1 Millions, New Luxury Condos,” with a big arrow telling you to turn so you could buy one. »
