Natascha Elena Uhlmann

Los 1.970 trabajadores de trenes, trolebuses y teleféricos que hacen circular la Ciudad de México podrían declararse en huelga el 13 de marzo.

Su organización sindical, la Alianza de Tranviarios de México (ATM), consiguió inversiones vitales en transporte ecológico y salvó cientos de puestos de trabajo en una campaña de 2016 llamada “Salvemos el trolebús”, que incorporó a los usuarios del transporte público a su lucha por la financiación.

The 1,970 rail, trolleybus, and cable car workers who make Mexico City run could go out on strike as soon as March 13.

Their union, the Tram Workers Alliance of Mexico (Alianza de Tranviarios de México, ATM), secured vital investments in green transportation and saved hundreds of jobs in a 2016 “Save the Trolleybus” campaign that brought public transit users into their funding fight.

Cuatro mil trabajadores de un almacén de Amazon en Carolina del Norte votarán del 10 al 15 de febrero sobre si sindicalizarse con Carolina Amazonians United for Solidarity & Empowerment.

RDU1, en la ciudad de Garner, en las afueras de Raleigh, sería el segundo almacén sindicalizado de Amazon en Estados Unidos.

Four thousand workers at a North Carolina Amazon warehouse are voting February 10-15 on whether to unionize with Carolina Amazonians United for Solidarity & Empowerment.

RDU1, in the town of Garner, outside Raleigh, would be the second unionized Amazon warehouse in the United States.

It’s an ambitious campaign. The workers are organizing across racial and ethnic divides, through constant turnover, in deeply hostile terrain. At 2.4 percent, North Carolina’s union density is the lowest in the country.

En sus nueve años en la industria automotriz, Ben Hinsey ha sido testigo de muchas culpas indebidas. El riesgo de recortes de empleo siempre está presente.

De hecho, Hinsey se trasladó a su trabajo actual en la fábrica Stellantis Jeep en Toledo, Ohio, cuando su trabajo anterior en la planta de mecanizado Chrysler Toledo desapareció en una ola de despidos en 2017. Ahora instala paneles de instrumentos y trabaja como asistente temporal, moviéndose de un trabajo a otro para cubrir ausencias.

In his nine years in the auto industry, Ben Hinsey has seen a lot of misplaced blame. The threat of job cuts is always looming.

In fact, Hinsey transferred into his current job at the Stellantis Jeep factory in Toledo, Ohio, when his previous one at the Chrysler Toledo Machining Plant evaporated in a 2017 wave of layoffs. He now installs instrument panels and serves as a float, moving from job to job to cover absences.

Amazon warehouse workers and delivery drivers at seven facilities in the metro areas of San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Southern California, and New York City are out on strike today, in what the union says is the largest strike against Amazon in U.S. history. Unionized workers at Staten Island’s JFK8 fulfillment center have also authorized a strike and could soon follow.

In her 17 years as a guest room attendant, Isabel Gonzalez has scarcely had a moment’s rest.

Gonzalez is responsible for cleaning 15 hotel rooms per day—stripping dirty linens, taking out the trash, making beds, cleaning toilets, sweeping, mopping, and dusting—all in the span of 30 to 45 minutes per room.

Los trabajadores de Julian Electric, una planta de autopartes en Lockport, Illinois, perdieron su elección para unirse al sindicato United Auto Workers (UAW) en una votación devastadoramente reñida.

Workers at Julian Electric, an auto parts plant in Lockport, Illinois, lost their election to join the United Auto Workers (UAW) in a devastatingly close tie vote.

A large majority of the 350 mostly Latino workers had signed cards in the lead-up to the vote, but that edge evaporated in the face of a flagrant and sustained union-busting campaign. Even one day before the vote, organizers calculated the union had a lead of more than 70 supporters, but day-of, the vote went 170-170—and in the event of a tie, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) defers to the company.
